tandan bahaya di pintu bahasa Inggris
- tandan: bunch; cluster; clump; clustering
- bahaya: danger; hazard; lurch; peril; risk; take a risk;
- di: about; at; at the; of which; on; there; where
- pintu: door; doors; gatepost; hatch; porthole; opening;
- spesies di luar bahaya: out of danger species
- di ambang pintu: at the door; on the threshold of
- selak (di pintu): latch
- bahaya: danger; hazard; lurch; peril; risk; take a risk; hazardousness; jeopardy; precariousness; watch out; dangerous; detriment; in trouble; unsafe; hurt; menace; endangerment; in danger; careful; riskine
- bom tandan: cluster munition
- pergi melihat siapa di pintu: answer the door; answered the door; answering the door
- ruang penjaga di pintu masuk: porter's lodge
- kawalan bahaya covid-19 di tempat kerja: workplace hazard controls for covid-19
- pengendalian bahaya covid-19 di tempat kerja: workplace hazard controls for covid-19
- pintu: door; doors; gatepost; hatch; porthole; opening; flap; threshold; railing; grid; room access; gate; port; window; oral cavity; portal; yett; gateway; mouth; orifice; embrasure; doorway
- konvensi munisi tandan: convention on cluster munitions